Public & Private Coaching
At UK Bike Skills, we offer 2 different types of coaching experience: Public Coaching Days and Private Coaching.
Private Coaching is arranged on an available day to suit you. You can come alone, or with a group of friends and we will tailor the syllabus to cater for specific issues you may have with your riding. Our Public Coaching Days are set throughout the year and are open to the public. The syllabus is usually set and we will be covering a specific set of riding techniques e.g. Jumps & Drops or Singletrack Skills. There is, however, always time to ask questions and to cover specific problems throughout the day.
We believe that to truly get the best coaching experience, the coaching syllabus needs to be tailored to you specifically. As such we tailor all our Private Coaching courses to each rider on the day. With this is mind we have come up with a grading system to help you as potential customers grade yourselves before your coaching session with us. This allows us to better understand what you believe your current riding level to be, and importantly what level you want to be at after a coaching session with us.
We understand that everyone is different, and everyone wants to achieve different things in their riding progression.
At UK Bike Skills we are very busy and often get booked months in advance. However, occasionally we get short notice cancellations, details of which can be found here:
Coaching Levels:
You are relatively new to cycling, you can comfortably ride on the road in traffic and are comfortable cycling on fire roads and canal paths, but you’re looking for something more…. - BLUE:
You can comfortably ride on non technical forest paths, you may well have visited a UK trail centre, but your looking to extend your skills base and tackle some more technical trails… - RED:
You have significant experience, and have ridden at UK trail centres several times. You’re comfortable on technical climbs and descents, but again you’re looking for a broader skills base and the ability to tackle any obstacle on any trail… - BLACK:
You live and breath cycling. You’re a regular user of UK Trail centres and are probably a veteran of trips to the Alps… - DIAMOND:
Your next step is the pro-contract. At UK Bike Skills we can help you with specific problems in your riding arsenal. At this level it is as much a mental game as it is a practical skills one…
Please note, payment for coaching services serves as confirmation of the booking. Dates and Places remain available until they are paid for.
Private Coaching:
Exactly what it says on the tin! Our private coaching days are easily the most popular type of coaching we offer. We offer both private individual coaching and private group coaching.
Private individual coaching is a fantastic way to rapidly progress the general level of your riding or to work on a specific problem area. We have had the full range of requests as far as riding issues that need addressing. Whether its a lack of confidence with clearing gap jumps, issues with your cornering or the need to improve your speed management.
No matter what your level, we can help you improve your riding abilities. We’ve coached leading Freeriders, British Cross Country Champions and Four Cross Racers, right through to absolute beginners looking to rapidly improve their riding. Give us a call, we are more than happy to chat about your needs and what we’ll be able to achieve for you.
Private 1-to-1 coaching: £260.00
2-to-1 coaching: £330.00 (£165.00 per rider)
3-to-1 coaching: £435.00 (£145.00 per rider)
Private Groups of 4 – 6: £135.00 per rider
Private Groups of more than 6 riders, please call or email
10.00am Start at our coaching venue
Public Coaching Days:
Every month, UK Bike Skills offers several public group coaching days. These public courses offer incredible value for money, and are a great way to meet new riding friends.
All public coaching takes place at our dedicated skills coaching centre in Hertfordshire. Occasionally we will offer special public coaching events on request at various trail centres and riding venues. Details of upcoming events are available on request and will be displayed on the homepage of the site prior to the day.
Our public coaching days follow a slightly stricter teaching format, with the content of the course addressing a particular problem or common issue for modern trail centre riders.
£95 per rider – 10.00am Start at our coaching venue
Current Public Coaching Syllabi:
Single-track Skills
A course designed for riders who want to get the most out of their XC riding. Designed primarily to bring riders up to speed with the techniques and skills required for effective riding in purpose built Trail Centre environments. By the end of the course you will be fully grounded in the skills needed to get the most fun out of your Trail Centre riding trips. Coaching will take place at our dedicated coaching facility in Hertfordshire. We have a fully featured Coaching Trail with everything from rockgardens and bermed corners, through to fly-outs and small drops. This is a fantastic course for inspiring confidence in new riders, who would otherwise be daunted at the prospect of traveling to a Trail Centre venue.
Jumps & Drops
A great opportunity for riders looking to start experiencing getting air under their wheels. This course aims to introduce riders to the psychological and physical aspects involved in the drop and jump techniques. Riders are gently progressed through a range of drop heights in the safety of our dedicated coaching facility. Starting with the explanation of the correct drop technique, Tony will then encourage each rider to progress through a range of drop heights all the while keeping you within your comfort zone. Once the correct drop technique is understood, Tony will then lead riders to a purpose built jump area. [/ut_toggle] [ut_toggle title=”Trail Centre Rides” state=”closed”] As you can probably imagine, we love riding more than anything. Sometimes when we’re busy coaching we dont always get out and ride the great trail centres in the UK. As such we try and plan a visit to a UK trail centre at least once a month during the winter and every fortnight in the summer. Whilst not actually a coaching event, we invite all our previous customers, who we consider our friends, to come and ride with us. We’ll send out an email or post details of where/when we’re riding on our facebook page. Everyone’s welcome to come, simply turn up and ride with us – Nothing gives us more pleasure than riding with past students and seeing first hand their progression – obviously we don’t charge anything for this, just turn up and ride!